business coaching for online entrepreneurs who don't fit the mold

Let's figure out how to make you money in a way that works for you –

without forcing yourself into a mold that doesn't feel right

You operate differently, so doesn't it make sense for your business to be built differently than the “gurus” say it should be?

Claire Paniccia sitting on a chair with a laptop on her lap, looking to the left and laughing
Claire grinning and showing off her t-shirt, which says "I'm not procrastinating, I'm doing side quests"

I'm Claire Paniccia (she/they)

You can absolutely have a successful, profitable online business while giving the middle figure to what you're "supposed to" do.

After 8+ years of successfully building and running online businesses with a brain that super doesn't fit the mold, I know that you can build your business in a way that works for YOU, even if that means not doing what the “gurus” say you should be doing.

Let me ask you a question...

Do you feel like you've been doing everything "right", but for some reason...

your revenue has plateaued no matter how many “proven methods” you try to increase it (and you're sick of banging your head against this tree!)

your email list has been the same size for longer than you'd care to admit (and not for lack of trying!)

you just don't enjoy working on/in your business like you used to (this is a huge deal, imho)

What you really want is to...

🥰 offer products and services in a way that you actually love delivering!

🎉 stop forcing yourself to show up on content platforms you absolutely hate… and start marketing your business in a way that's actually fun for you

🤩 embrace the shiny object syndrome! (without starting your whole business over from scratch every time)

💰 finally reach whatever financial goals you have for your business that so far have felt out of reach

It's absolutely possible! And I can help 🤗

My whole schtick is about helping you figure out what works for YOU while also making you money.

Let's combine strategic business foundations with your unique self, and we'll come up with a business that is totally unique to you, and still strategically structured to help you profit! 

Check out everything I offer on my All The Things Page