How to Build a Content System

That Protects & Fuels Your Energy

What if we scrapped the overwhelm, burnout, and shame that is tangled up in content marketing for you right now?

You've got a complicated relationship with your content marketing right now.

You're either:

😳 constantly low-level stressed that you're not doing it right or not doing enough

πŸ˜‘ struggling because content marketing feels like another full-time job on top of running your business

πŸ’€ overwhelmed feeling like you have to do all.the.things, so you always feel like you're not doing enough of the things, so you're always beating yourself up. Just, like, always.

Imagine how your content marketing would feel instead...

🀩 When you sit down to create content, you feel excited and energized! No more slogging through writing if you hate writing, or bogging yourself down with things you hate doing.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Content marketing feels ease-ful and low-pressure, because you create when you have things to say and actually want to create.

πŸ› You can take a week or two off from content marketing without all the shame and guilt, and actually get the rest you need (because rest is productive!)

πŸ—‘ You can confidently click DELETE on that free Facebook Group that doesn't light you up anymore, or say goodbye forever to Reels, or whatever platform you feel like you should be doing but don't actually enjoy or feel excited about. Say goodbye to that, all while knowing it won't tank your business.

It's totally possible for your content marketing to actually feel good and NOT burn you TF out

That's why I came up with the stuff in this workshop:

So that you can create content in a way that works for you, works together strategically to sell your stuff, and protects your mental energy (and dare I say fuels it?!? *gasp!*)

If any of this is resonating with you, you're in the right place

During the workshop, we'll nail your own personal energy-friendly content marketing system so that you:

πŸ‘©πŸΌβ€πŸ’» have an easier time creating content consistently because you're only creating the type of content you actually enjoy

πŸ”‹ have more energy to create content because you won't be losing so much energy stressing in the back of your mind about if you're doing it right or doing enough

🌱 have the simplest ecosystem possible so that you actually do the thing (no more not starting because you're overwhelmed by the production of it all)

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ can ignore all the “gurus” telling you you have to do xyz marketing tactic/platform, because you already know what works for you

✨ can protect your spoons because you aren't having to use mental energy deciding what to do and how to do it

πŸ₯„ when you're having a low spoons time, you already know which platforms you can temporarily pause and which are non-negotiable, because you planned for it and already decided. No more stressing or beating yourself up for “not staying on top of things”

Hi! I'm Claire Paniccia (pan-uh-SEE-uh. It's Italian πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ)

In case we haven't met yet, I'm a content strategist for online entrepreneurs who want to have an impact in their own unique way.

As a neurodiverse entrepreneur 🧠 with ADHD, chronic low-level depression, and situational anxiety (and a roster of neurodiverse clients), I've had to figure out how to approach content marketing in a way that doesn't drain what little focus and energy I have and still works strategically to sell my offers.

You know what I'm talking about.

Who has energy to create content (let alone do it consistently) when the back of your brain is constantly wondering if you should be podcasting or blogging, should you run a summit next quarter, and what was that awesome newsletter idea I had last night in the shower??

Not me. And I'm guessing not you either!

In my experience, the key to an energy-friendly content marketing system is a three-way balance between:

  • keeping it simple
  • keeping it enjoyable
  • and removing as many obstacles as you can between idea and creation
Screenshot of Instagram DM "It was really so so good! I have so many ideas to get on with on Monday"
Lauren McComish, OBM & Tech VA @laurenmccomish
Screenshot of Instagram DM "It was wonderful, thank you so much! Sorr if my workshop moments was like "here's some word vomit!"""
Kate Hutcheson, The Efficient Creative, @katehutcheson
Screenshot of Instagram DM "The workshop was wonderful, and I really appreciated the 1:1 advice. It's affirming to start thinking of my recorded classes/audios as leadership content, since I often think of them as "bonus" or "extra" rather than giving them the weight they deserve. Also really helpful to hear you talk re: neurodiversity, since I experience real dips in energy/productivity and have struggled with this for a while. I've struggled with planning ahead vs creating authentic in-the-moment content, and feel like I'm getting closer to finding a groove that will work for me""
Screenshot of Feedback Form response: "What did you like most about the workshop?" "I loved how down to earth the workshop (and you) were. Really informative but not preachy or jargon-heavy. Many content workshops are very much telling you how to follow the host's way of doing things, but this was all about how to do things in our own ways."
from the feedback form
Screenshot of Feedback Form response: "What was your biggest takeaway or a-ha?" "Having the permission to do things my way! Really though. And that it's okay to start small and add to it – it's all about what I can do now, with what I have, now."
from the feedback form
Screenshot of a Feedback Form response: "What did you like most about the workshop?" "I trust you. And it was very clear that you know your stuff because a lot of questions were answered before people could even ask the question, and there was a lot of feeling of mind reading going on! I felt like you were speaking from experience and not just theory. I also love that you held a watch party because I think that also speaks to knowing your audience so well!"
from the feedback form

πŸ‘©β€πŸ« Here's what we'll cover in the workshop:

    • why it's important to protect your energy in your content system


    • Spark Zones – i.e. figuring out what form of content creation you'll actually enjoy creating and will work for your brain


    • exactly what a Content Marketing Ecosystem is and why you need one (with real life examples from real life entrepreneurs in the wild!)


    • how the different parts of your ecosystem work together to sell your stuff and impact your people


    • “how simple can you make it?”Β (this is one of the most powerful things I teach my clients!)


    • an intro to repurposing content (an ecosystem makes this sooooo much easier)

How to Build a Content Marketing System that Protects & Fuels Your Energy


Sign up today and you'll get:

πŸ”‹ recording of the 90-ish minute workshop, + recording of the Q&As

πŸ’ lifetime* access to the replay and future updates to the content

⚑️ the opportunity to join future live runs of the workshop

πŸ”₯ as well as replays of past Q&As and Hot Seats

*by lifetime I mean lifetime of the material, not, like, eternity

Screenshot of Instagram DM "It was really so so good! I have so many ideas to get on with on Monday"
Lauren McComish, OBM & Tech VA @laurenmccomish
Screenshot of Instagram DM "It was wonderful, thank you so much! Sorr if my workshop moments was like "here's some word vomit!"""
Kate Hutcheson, The Efficient Creative, @katehutcheson
Screenshot of Instagram DM "The workshop was wonderful, and I really appreciated the 1:1 advice. It's affirming to start thinking of my recorded classes/audios as leadership content, since I often think of them as "bonus" or "extra" rather than giving them the weight they deserve. Also really helpful to hear you talk re: neurodiversity, since I experience real dips in energy/productivity and have struggled with this for a while. I've struggled with planning ahead vs creating authentic in-the-moment content, and feel like I'm getting closer to finding a groove that will work for me""
Screenshot of Feedback Form response: "What did you like most about the workshop?" "I loved how down to earth the workshop (and you) were. Really informative but not preachy or jargon-heavy. Many content workshops are very much telling you how to follow the host's way of doing things, but this was all about how to do things in our own ways."
from the feedback form
Screenshot of Feedback Form response: "What was your biggest takeaway or a-ha?" "Having the permission to do things my way! Really though. And that it's okay to start small and add to it – it's all about what I can do now, with what I have, now."
from the feedback form
Screenshot of a Feedback Form response: "What did you like most about the workshop?" "I trust you. And it was very clear that you know your stuff because a lot of questions were answered before people could even ask the question, and there was a lot of feeling of mind reading going on! I felt like you were speaking from experience and not just theory. I also love that you held a watch party because I think that also speaks to knowing your audience so well!"
from the feedback form


If you're an online entrepreneur with a personal brand, and you know what you're selling and are confident in it, this workshop can help make your content marketing less overwhelming.

I don't think this workshop would be helpful for content creators/influencers, those operating with a big team, or those who don't tend to create their own content.

If you're still not sure, shoot me a DM on Instagram @conqueryourcontent and let's figure it out together!

It was a live workshop. What you'll get here is the replay of that live workshop.

You'll also have immediate access to the replay of the updated version of this workshop from when I ran it in January 2023 (you'll also get access to the replay of the first time I ran this workshop live in April 2021, if you're curious to compare them, but I'd recommend sticking with the updated content).

Occasionally, I also like to do what I call “Watch Parties”. It's a scheduled time when we can all watch the workshop together on Zoom, with me interacting with you in the chat live, and then afterwards we have a live Q&A! It's like doing the workshop live again, but not πŸ˜„

Once you sign up for this, you'll have free access to any future Watch Parties or live rounds that I run for this workshop!

πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ The "Don't Be a Dick" Requirement πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ

I’m gonna be straight up with you:

  • I’m queer & genderfluid
  • I’m feminist
  • I support black lives and anti-racist change
  • I believe in accessible health careΒ 
  • I fight for the planet’s health
  • I don’t use plastic straws (you know, within reason. Sometimes I forget to say β€œNo straw, please.β€Β πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ)
  • I swear like a sailor and I have a tattoo

If you have an issue with any of those things, please don’t try to give me your money and see yourself to the door.Β 

Racists, homophobes, transphobes, sexists, COVID-deniers, and Trump-supporters need not apply. Please kindly see yourselves out.

[Want to learn how to be explicit with your social values in your business like this πŸ‘† so you only attract right-fit people? πŸ‘‰Β Click here]

You in??

Still have questions?

Email me at or DM me on Instagram @conqueryourcontent and we'll figure out if this is the right fit for you right now!